Term |
Description / Definition |
Always on Intelligence |
Always on Intelligence (AoI) is a programmatic approach to talent intelligence where you run permanent campaigns of work (always on) against specific competitor groups |
Analytics |
Analytics derive insights from that reporting data - why it is happening |
Battlecard |
Battlecards, or sometimes referred to as Competitor Comparisons or Competitor Abstracts, are a visual aid that sales teams have historically used to provide a quick reference point to see how competitors stack up and compare around specific areas of interest be it product specs, services, features, pricing, market penetration etc. Now used back TI/TA teams to highlight competitors and various elements to sell against such as compensation, talent flows, attrition, EVP, talent sentiment etc. |
Benchmarking Analysis |
Benchmarking can sometimes be a catch all for various different products or outputs but it is important to highlight. They key differentiator here is that you want to understand how your company compares to the external market - including but not limited to diversity representation, talent movement, talent management, sentiment analysis, organisational design etc note the highlight on how your company compares. |
Business Climate |
The overall business-friendly environment in a given area, including factors such as tax rates, regulatory burdens, and access to capital. |
Business impact value |
The business articulated impact value or investment value of the project you are working on. |
Candidate listening |
Candidate listening / Candidate Perception is a mixed-methods research area to help us provide primary and secondary research on the talent market and execute upon our employer value proposition to attract the world’s best talent. |
Candidate persona(s) |
A candidate persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal job candidate |
Commute Time |
The average time it takes for workers to commute to and from work in a given area, including traffic congestion and public transportation options. |
Confidentiality Level |
Defined levels to ensure your data is stored, shared, partitioned and has appropriate levels of data security identified |
Correlation coefficient |
A correlation coefficient is a numerical measure of some type of correlation, meaning a statistical relationship between two variables. |
Cultural Intelligence |
Within TI there is a newly emergent field of Cultural Intelligence, this concept based around behavioural and organisational psychology looks use cultural intelligence and psychology as a lens to assess potential success or risk exposure from a talent cohort |
Cyber or digital network intelligence (CYBINT or DNINT) is the process of explicitly gaining intelligence from available resources on the Internet. CYBINT can often be considered as a subset of OSINT |
Data Classification |
The process of organizing data by relevant categories so that it may be used and protected more efficiently. On a basic level, the classification process makes data easier to locate and retrieve |
Data Confidence Model |
A defined model to classify overall data confidence made up of a Document Confidence Classification, a Data Source Classification and a Data Point Classification |
Data Ethics |
Data ethics refers to moral obligation and associated systemizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct in relation to data, in particular personal data |
Data Point Classification |
The confidence level of a specific data point in of itself ranging from Suspected to be false through to Known directly to the source |
Data Source Classification (DSC) |
In a similar vein to the DCC the DSC is broken down into three confidence classification categories of Reliable (R), Untested (U) and Not Reliable (NR) these are assessed given the competence of source may include information from human intelligence, technical, scientific and vendor sources |
Document Confidence Classification |
This is the level of confidence you had for a given document, usually classified as high, medium or low based on the quality of data, credibility of source and plausibility of information |
Energy Costs |
The cost of energy in a given area, including electricity, natural gas, and other fuels. |
Executive Recruitment Research |
Executive Recruitment Research is the bedrock of any executive recruitment search. This process is about using prior knowledge of the client, the role type, the market, the industry to craft an effective executive recruitment strategy |
Exploratory analysis |
In statistics, exploratory data analysis is an approach of analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often using statistical graphics and other data visualization methods |
Field Alerts |
This is a part of Talent Intelligence that ties very tightly into communications. Having a rapid response to activity in the market such as layoffs, mergers and acquisitions, start-ups burn rates, exec movement/departures and competitor vulnerabilities is vital in today’s rapidly moving and changing talent landscape. |
The General Data Protection Regulation is a Regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the EU and the European Economic Area. |
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) is intelligence about the human activity on earth derived from the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information that describes, assesses, and visually depicts physical features and geographically referenced activities on the Earth |
Go-to-market analysis |
Go-to-market, go-to-market strategy or GTM strategy is the plan of an organization, utilizing their outside resources, to deliver their unique value proposition to customers and achieve competitive advantage. GTM Analysis is a targeted competitor analysis to reverse engineer their GTM strategy |
HR Analytics |
HR analytics, often also referred to as people analytics, is broadly accepted to be the collation, analysis, and application or HR and Talent related data to look to measure, improve and forecast vital talent related organisational outcomes |
Human Intelligence (HUMINT), is intelligence gathered by means of personal contact. Essentially it is a category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources. This separates it from the other forms of intelligence that are more technical intelligence gathering disciplines. |
Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) “includes representations of objects reproduced electronically or by optical means on film, electronic display devices, or other media. |
Intelligence |
Intelligence takes the analysis one stage further to address - what the business need to do to address the issue. |
Job Taxonomy |
A skills taxonomy is a structured list of skills defined at the organization level that identifies the capabilities of a business in a quantifiable way. Essentially, it is a system that classifies skills within an organization into groups and clusters |
KPIs |
A performance indicator or key performance indicator is a type of performance measurement. KPIs evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity in which it engages |
Labor Force Participation Rate |
The percentage of the population that is either employed or actively seeking employment in a given area. |
Land Availability |
The availability and cost of land for development or expansion, including factors such as land use patterns and environmental regulations. |
Location Strategy |
Deep dive studies on global talent markets to support team placement or expansion, including analysis of talent supply & demand, cost, risk, existing company presence, and feasibility to sustain future growth |
Loss Leader Projects |
When you are first building a team / capability I would always recommend looking to create a series of loss leader projects. These are projects where there is no defined customer or pre-defined red flag or pain point but it is an area where you can see the pain coming down the road and you're being proactive |
Market Mapping |
Market mapping, also sometimes referred to Total Addressable Market* mapping, is the as much an art as it is a science. It is a way of using competitive intelligence to understand how many candidates are in the market, who employs most of them, what the demand (job) and supply (candidate) ratio is, what the average salary in market is, DEI data about the market etc – and then using all the information to identify the best approach for your sourcing plan |
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is defined by both the U.S. Director of National Intelligence and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), as intelligence "produced from publicly available information that is collected, exploited, and disseminated in a timely manner to an appropriate audience for the purpose of addressing a specific intelligence |
Post Project Wash Up |
This is the internal wash up session where everyone from the Talent Intelligence team that was involved in a project takes a step back, a moment to pause, reflect and think about how the project was delivered |
Prioritisation Matrix |
This is usually a combined value of urgency and importance whilst factoring in measurable impact, level of stakeholder and organisational goal alignment. This gives clear prioritisation between projects and is vital for effective workload management |
Problem Statement |
A clear statement that ties down very specific project objectives using an alternative take on the SMART methodology: Specific , Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Timebound |
Profile Calibration |
This is a deeper dive into the profile itself and the role design, skills needed, basic qualifications needed, levelling of role, remit of role etc versus the rest of the competitor market to see if there is a fundamental misalignment of the role |
Project Plan |
A specific planning document where you will articulate what you are going to do, what is in and out of scope, how you are going to get there, what the journey will look like, any dependencies and what KPI's / success will look like |
Reporting |
Reporting is the sorting and organization of data - what is happening |
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is “intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, and weapons systems |
Skills Gap |
The difference between the skills employers need and the skills available in the local workforce, including shortages in key industries and occupations. |
Skills graph / ontology |
A set of skills and their relationships between one another |
Sourcing Intelligence |
Sourcing Intelligence enables the application talent intelligence for sourcing and recruitment teams and programs, and delivers insights for sourcing and recruitment leaders |
Sourcing Playbook |
A playbook helps Talent Acquisition to take a more targeted sourcing approach, in return, a reduced hiring cycle. What to include in a playbook? Usually you would look at heavy effort but repeatable work outputs such as Boolean string generation where you are looking to create, often long, but usually standardised search strings using Boolean Logic (AND, OR, NOT, (), “”, * etc). These would usually be used to search against job titles, skills or parameters for diversity |
Strategic Workforce Planning |
Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) is a process of strategically looking at and analysing your current state and future state as an organisation, and not only seeing the gap in place but also designing interventions and solutions (usually via Talent Management) for the organisation to achieve the desired future state |
Talent Acquisition Analytics (TAA) |
TA Analytics is the systematic capture, reporting, analysis and discovery of insights in support of decision making related to recruitment and onboarding processes, activities, and outcomes |
Talent Cost |
The cost of recruiting, retaining, and compensating employees in a given area, including salary and benefits data, wage trends, and the cost of living in the local area. |
Talent flow analysis |
Talent flow analysis (TFA) is a process for describing and analyzing the flow of workers into and out of a targeted set of jobs that are most critical for the competitiveness of employers and the region in which they do business. |
Talent Intelligence |
Talent Intelligence is the augmentation of internal and external people data with the application of technology, science, insights and intelligence relating to people, skills, jobs, functions, competitors, and geographies to drive business decisions |
Talent Intelligence Consulting |
Talent Intelligence Consulting partners with the customer to allow the org to scale and respond in an agile manner whilst mitigating risk and assessing feasibility from a labor market perspective. |
Total Labor Cost |
The total cost of employing workers in a given area, including payroll taxes, benefits, and other labor-related expenses. |
Workforce Analytics |
Workforce Analytics is a relatively new term and is usually used to reflect measuring a workforce’s productivity, engagement, and collaboration. Notably it encompasses the entire group of workers (not just full-time employees) and allows for the future inclusion of AI and robots that will potentially replace current jobs within an organization |
Workforce Development |
The quality and availability of training programs, apprenticeships, and other initiatives designed to help workers acquire new skills or transition into new careers. |
Workforce Diversity |
The level of diversity in the local workforce, including demographics such as race, gender, age, and educational background. |
Workforce Mobility |
The ease with which workers can move between jobs, industries, or geographic locations, including factors such as noncompete agreements and occupational licensing requirements. |
Zoning |
The local regulations that dictate how land can be used and developed, including zoning designations, building codes, and other restrictions. |